Институт непрерывного педагогического образования

О конференции / About the Conference

Dear colleagues!

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Pedagogical Education: History, Present Time, Perspectives (PEHPP 2019)”, devoted to the 100th anniversary of higher pedagogical education in the Novgorod region.

Conference venue is Institute of Continuous Pedagogical Education of Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University.

The conference will be held in Veliky Novgorod on 3-4 October 2019.

The objective of the conference is to expand interdisciplinary and intercultural cooperation of scientists and practitioners in the discussion of topical issues of pedagogical education in Russia and abroad.

The conference includes the following working sessions:

  1. Historical and cultural aspects of pedagogical education in Russia and abroad.
  2. Training of teachers at the present stage: traditions and innovations.
  3. Contemporary approaches to upbringing.
  4. Innovative technologies in education.
  5. Problems of inclusive education.
  6. Problems of psychological support of modern educational process.
  7. Diversity management in a heterogeneous educational environment.
  8. Teaching at higher educational institutions.

Participants of the conference have an opportunity to submit their papers for publication in “The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS)”, the journal indexed in the scientometric base of Web of Science (WoS), the language of the publication is English. The articles recommended by the Conference Program Committee will be accepted for publication.

Important Dates: 

  • Application for Participation in the Conference Deadline:  30 June 2019
  • Paper Submission Deadline: 1 September 2019
  • Second Call for Papers Deadline: 20 September 2019
  • Payment of the Registration Fee Deadline (after receiving of the Article Acceptance Letter): 1 October 2019

Only the full text research papers that follow the guidelines will be considered for publication. Full and Absentee Participation forms are available. Non-resident participants will bear their own accommodation expenses. Information about hotels in Veliky Novgorod can be found on the website VISITNOVGOROD.

Contact Information:

Address: 6, ul. Chudintseva, Veliky Novgorod, Russia 173003

Telephone: +7 (8162) 77-81-29, extension number - 34.

E-mail: confeducation@mail.ru.

Requirements for Conference Participation:

To ensure your participate in the conference, we kindly ask you to study the information about the working sessions of the conference, the list of documents to be submitted to the conference committee, the guidelines for paper submission, and also to fill in the application form and the copyright agreement.

All materials are to be sent to the e-mail address of the conference committee: confeducation@mail.ru.

List of Documents to be submitted:

  1. Application. Application Form file should be named as follows: Zajavka_Ivanov (application, underline, first author’s surname, file extension: *.doc or *.docx). Application Form file template can be found in Appendix 1.
  2. The article should be submitted in MS Word format (extension: *.doc or *.docx) in a template of the publishing house. The name of the paper file should contain the abbreviation of the title of the collection, the year of issue and the surname of the first author, for example: PEHPP2019_Ivanov. Guidelines for Paper Submission can be found in Appendix 2.
  3. Copyright Agreement (after receiving the article acceptance letter, the agreement on the placement of the article in a journal and the receipt of documents for payment). A template to fill in can be found here.

Registration Fee for the publication of the article:

Article in Russian – 17 500 rubles

Article in English – 14 000 rubles

Details for payment of registration fees will be sent to the authors after acceptance of the article.

Other information 

Информацию опубликовал: Суханова Наталья Реалимовна, 09.06.2021 19:19:45

Публикации подразделения




Истории успеха

Полина Игоревна Беляева

старший преподаватель, кафедра психологии НовГУ, педагог-психолог, воспитатель детского сада №42

Факультет: Факультет: психолого-педагогический, специальность «Учитель иностранного языка, педагог-психолог»

Группа: 2261

Выпуск: 2007