Институт непрерывного педагогического образования

International scientific-practical conference “Education in a Changing World: Global Challenges and National Priorities”

О конференцииAbout the Conference

Dear colleagues!

We cordially invite you for participation in the International scientific-practical conference “Education in a Changing World: Global Challenges and National Priorities” (EdCW2020).

The Conference is organized by Institute of Continuous Pedagogical Education of Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University.

The Conference will take place in Veliky Novgorod (Russia) on October, 8-9, 2020.

The purpose of the conference is to expand the interdisciplinary and intercultural cooperation of scientists and practitioners in discussing the issues of the role of education and requirements to education in the context of global problems and challenges.

The reports at the plenary session of the conference will be supplemented by a scientific discussion on the following topics:

Topic I: Leadership in Education

  1. Administration and leadership in an educational organization.
  2. Interaction of the teacher with local authorities and civil society institutions.
  3. Leadership education of students.
  4. Educator and global leadership.

Topic II: Digital Education in the 21st Century: vectors of development

  1. The digital environment of a modern educational organization.
  2. Communicative culture in the digital age
  3. Digital educational technologies at school and university.
  4. Digital technologies in the training of future teachers
  5. Digital competencies of a modern teacher.

Topic III: Personality in the era of global challenges

  1. Personality and educational environment in the digital age
  2. Transformations of socio-psychological processes in a rapidly changing world
  3. Identity problems in a heterogeneous environment

Topic IV: Pedagogy of the 21st Century: Traditions and Innovations

  1. The education and socialization of a human being in the face of global challenges.
  2. On-line pedagogy as the answer to the challenges of digitalization.
  3. Bringing up of universal and national values.
  4. Socio-pedagogical work in the territorial community.

Conference participants are given the opportunity to publish their work in English in the journal The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS), indexed in the scientometric database Web of Science (WoS). Only articles recommended by the conference program committee will be accepted for publication.

Important dates:

  • Application for participation in the conference: until June, 30, 2020
  • Submission of articles: until September, 1, 2020
  • Second newsletter: until September 20, 2020

Participation can be full-time or distance.
Conference participants bear accommodation expenses during the conference on their own.
Information on the hotels of Veliky Novgorod can be found on the website https://visitnovgorod.ru/

Contact Information:

Venue address: ICPE NovSU, ul. Chudintseva, 6, Veliky Novgorod, 173003 Russia
Telephone for inquiries: +7(8162) 77-81-29, extension - 34.
All materials should be sent to the email confeducation@mail.ru

Conference Terms

To participate in the conference, you need to look through the list of topics, publication requirements for the articles, and fill in the form of a participant’s application.

List of Documents to Be Provided

  1. Application. The file with the application should be named as follows: Application_Smith (application, underscore, last name of the first author; file extension: *.doc or *.docx). The template for filling out the application is in Appendix 1.
  2. The article should be submitted in MS Word format (extension *.doc or *.docx). The file name should contain an abbreviation of the name of the collection, year of release and the name of the first author, for example: EdCW2020_Ivanov. Requirements for articles are in Appendix 2.
  3. The author’s agreement will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail after the article is accepted by the conference program committee.

Registration Fee for the Publication of the Article:

Article in English - 14,000 rubles (approx. 175 Euro)
Bank info for the transfer of organizational fees will be sent to the authors after the acceptance of the article is confirmed.

Other information 

Информацию опубликовал: Суханова Наталья Реалимовна, 09.06.2021 19:17:13

Публикации подразделения




Истории успеха

Елена Александровна Горская

ведущий специалист, НО "Новгородский областной фонд по ипотечному жилищному кредитованию"

Факультет: психолого-педагогический, специальность "Психология"

Группа: 9561

Выпуск: 2004