Институт непрерывного педагогического образования

Guidelines for Paper Submission

Dear Author!

Here are the guidelines for paper submission in the volume of the European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS) on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Pedagogical Education: History, Present Time, Perspectives (PEHPP 2019)”. All articles are to be prepared according to a common template corresponding to the standards of scientific publications of the Future Academy.

While preparing the paper for submission, it is highly recommended to pay special attention to the following points:

1. The submitted material should be original (not less than 90%), not previously published in other publications, written in a scientific style using mostly modern scientific literature and contain novelty.

2. The article should clearly indicate the relevance, scientific significance, research results and conclusions. The corresponding sections of the article are to be inserted into the template of the Publishing House. Please do not change the font style and size, margins and footnotes. All sections of the template should be filled in (The section "Acknowledgments" only may be an exception).

3. The volume of the article is limited to 7 pages (no more than 25 thousand characters, no more than 3 authors).. The headline of the article can contain 8 words maximum. Try to observe this restriction and make sure that there are no text breaks and blank pages in the article.

4. Name, surname, affiliation of the authors should be written in English (in order to avoid incorrect translation / transliteration by the Editorial Board).

5. When specifying the authors of the article, the first name of the author is followed by the surname. After that the letters (a, b, etc.) indicating the affiliation of the authors should be given. Affiliation is indicated as follows: organization, city, country, current contacts (e-mail address, phone number). Check the correct name of your organization in English. The author may have several affiliations, in this case, you need to specify them with a comma. The name of the 1st author (the corresponding author) is indicated by *. Please indicate the current contacts, as all the necessary information related to the preparation of the article for publication (comments, editorial changes, the publication consent form, etc., without which the article cannot be published), will be sent to the specified address of the corresponding author.

6. The Paper Components:

6.1 Abstract – summary of the article, which shows its distinctive features and advantages (200 words);

6.2 Keywords – separated by commas (no more than 6 words/phrases in alphabetical order);

6.3 Introduction – contains information on the subject of the study (up to 15% of the total volume of the article);

6.4 Problem Statement;

6.5 Research Questions;

6.7  Purpose of the Study;

6.7 Research Methods – contains information on how the results of the study were obtained (up to 50% of the total volume of the article);

6.8 Findings – contains facts, specific results of the study and their interpretation in the context of the study (up to 20% of the total volume of the article);

6.9 Conclusion – contains the main conclusions of the study (up to 15% of the total volume of the article);

6.10 Acknowledgments – contains gratitude to the participants of the study or an indication of financial support for the study;

6.11 References, which must be issued STRICTLY according to the requirements (APA Citation Style) and contain at least 10 sources (including indexed in international databases – at least 50%).

7. Figures and graphs are accepted only in high quality (not less than 300 pixels). Make sure that the tables and figures are provided with appropriate explanation and links to them in the text of the article. Tables and figures should not go beyond the text margins.

8. Particular attention should be paid to the guidelines for quotations, footnotes and references. It is necessary to refer mainly to those publications that are indexed in international databases; the permissible number of self-citation – no more than 2. Sources in the list of references are listed in alphabetical order. The text should contain references to sources in parentheses indicating the author's name and year of publication. If there are several authors, the text indicates only the first author with the abbreviation et al. – “and others”. For example, “Green et al. indicate that (...) (Green et al., 2005)”. All the authors' names in full form, without abbreviations should be listed in the references. Russian-language sources are given in Latin letters and are accompanied by a translation into English in square brackets, or accompanied by a note [in Russian]:

Nikolaeva, V. V., Pervichko, E. I., Stepura, O. B., Rolik, N.L. (1995). Osobennosti emocional'nogo reagirovanija v situacijah frustracii u bol'nyh s sindromom displazii soedinitel'noj tkani serdca [Features of emotional responses in frustration situations in patients with heart connective tissue dysplasia syndrome]. Soc i Klinich Psihiatrija [Social and clinical psychiatry], 5(2), 24–32.

Sobkin V.S., Ivanova A.I., Skobeltsina K.N. (2012). Attitude of parents of preschool children towards school education. Pedagogika, 4(2), 25-27. [in Russ.].

Strunk, Jr. W, White, E. B. (1979). The elements of style. 3rd ed. New York: Macmillan.

9. Please, note that the articles must be submitted in MS Word format in the publishing template. The name of the file should contain the abbreviation of the title of the collection, the year of issue and the surname of the first author, for example: MTSDT2019_Ivanov.

Before publishing the paper, the corresponding author (acting on behalf of all co-authors) signs a copyright agreement, which allows the Future Academy to protect the intellectual property of authors from copying. It does not mean that authors are deprived of their copyright. Copyright Agreement is to be confirmed in the electronic form.

10.  If the article is submitted in English, its accuracy and literacy should meet the requirements for scientific publications. Make sure that there are no grammatical errors in the text and that the words and terms used are appropriately chosen. The translation of the article must be done or edited by a professional translator or a native English speaker. Poor quality English may be the reason for rejecting the publication.

We wish you good luck and hope that you will have no difficulties in the process of preparing the article for publication!

All questions regarding the publication in the volume of European Proceedings of Social & Behavioral Sciences (EpSBS) on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Pedagogical Education: History, Present Time, Perspectives (PEHPP 2019)” should be addressed to the Conference Organizing Committee e-mail: confeducation@mail.ru.

Best regards,

Editor-in-chief of the issue

Alexander Glebovich Shirin

Template of Paper Submission in The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS) is available at the website of the journal: (http://www.futureacademy.org.uk/publication/EpSBS/) in the Copyright Agreement & Template section.

Reference to the template – http://www.futureacademy.org.uk/files/images/upload/EpSBSTemplateNew.docx

Sample 1. Guidelines for Paper Submission in EpSBS – here  

Sample 2. Guidelines for Paper Submission in EpSBS – here

Информацию опубликовал: Суханова Наталья Реалимовна, 05.09.2019 12:33:34

Публикации подразделения




Истории успеха

Ольга Вячеславовна Алексеева

Начальник отдела аспирантуры и молодежной науки, доцент кафедры НДОиСУ, НовГУ

Факультет: ФПОИТ, специальность "Педагогика и методика начального образования"

Группа: 9254

Выпуск: 2004